A range of tailored solutions to meet financing goals, including options secured by pledges on financial instruments held with the Bank. Additionally, leveraging synergies with other Credem Group companies, we offer consumer credit, leasing, and factoring services to effectively address any need.
[1] Advertising message for promotional purposes. The card is issued by Credem Euromobiliare Private Banking in partnership with Nexi.
[2] Advertising message for promotional purposes. The card is distributed by Credem Euromobiliare Private Banking and issued by American Express. For all terms and conditions related to the advertised products and services, please refer to the information sheets and General Regulations available on the website americanexpress.it under the Transparency section.
[3] Advertising message for promotional purposes. The card is distributed by Credem Euromobiliare Private Banking and issued by American Express. Refer to the Basic European Information and Card Regulations at americanexpress.it/terminiecondizioni. Representative example pursuant to Legislative Decree 141/2010: €6,000 fully reimbursed in 12 installments, fixed APR 14%, Annual Effective Rate (AER) 24.19%, Total owed €6,719. Card issuance is at the discretion of American Express.
[4] Advertising message for promotional purposes. The card is distributed by Credem Euromobiliare Private Banking and issued by Credem.
[5] Advertising message for promotional purposes. The card is distributed by Credem Euromobiliare Private Banking and issued by Nexi.
Promotional Message.
Information regarding economic and contractual terms can be found in the relevant information sheets (prepared in compliance with Legislative Decree No. 385 of September 1, 1993), available at branches and on the Bank's website in the dedicated sections. For economic and contractual conditions, and for any details not expressly indicated, please refer to the Information Sheets and the "Advertising Information" form available at branches and on the website www.credemeuromobiliarepb.it, as well as the SECCI form (Standard European Consumer Credit Information). The issuance of cards and financing is subject to the Bank's sole and exclusive approval.